The Blue Heart Campaign
July 31, 2018What is The Blue Heart Campaign? Global awareness raising initiative to fight human trafficking and its impact on society. It is increasingly recognized as the international symbol against human trafficking, representing the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings. It seeks…
Local First; New Zealand And Australia’s Rescind Visa 457
July 19, 2018New regulation for foreign workers in Australia and New Zealand has been made. A day after Australia announces it, New Zealand follows to announce it as well. Both country applying same regulation regarding foreign worker’s Visa. Visa 457 is the previous foreign worker legalization for working in both Australia and New Zealand. The Visa valid…
Moratorium is Still Valid, Let’s Obey It!
July 12, 2018Moratorium is a discontinuance or prohibition of sending Indonesian workers to Middle East regions, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Syria, and others, including Abu Dhabi, the capital city of United Arab Emirates. It starts to launched by the year of 2015 together with the Ministerial Decree from The Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration number…
Formal and Informal Worker
July 6, 2018There are two kinds of the worker from Indonesia that working overseas, the informal and the formal one. What is the difference? The formal worker is someone who works incorporate as a skilled worker. They earn stronger law protection and signing an official working contract, with the legalized organization. Meanwhile, the informal one work…
A Modern Day Slavery Behind of Indonesian Migrant Workers
July 6, 2018On May 5th, 2017, Police Department of North Sumatra succeeded in foiling two human trafficking cases under the placement of migrant workers in Bagan Asahan Village, Tanjung Balai and Sei Pasir, Sei Kepayang Timur. Both villages are located in Asahan Regency, North Sumatra. Police rescued 42 victims in Bagan Asahan village, originating from West Nusa…